I don’t have a defining event or light-bulb
moment that led me to writing this blog. I think, in fact, it has always been a
creative idea endlessly gnawing at my soul.
Life passes us by so quickly. I am in my
mid-40s now and I am always shocked when I look in the mirror. Who are you?
When did “this” happen? Ah yes, “this” happened during the time I have been too
busy being a mom, an employee, a caregiver, a griever (is that even a word?), a
patient – the list is fairly endless. “This” happened right under my nose but
my head was too buried in my life to see it.
When I was younger (with that I mean my
20s) I remember dreaming of writing a novel. I had no idea about what but I
just wanted to express myself creatively. Heck, I had loads of dreams. Then, as we all tend to experience, life took
over. My life, for as long as I can
remember, has been hectic and riddled with trauma. My strange little brain loves to hold onto the
tragic moments and wipe clean any good ones. I am still trying to remember pleasant
times in my childhood and early twenties but I think, dear reader, they may
have been flushed from my mental filing cabinet. You never know, this blog may
open up a door to those locked memories. We shall see.
You might be asking – what is this blog
about exactly? As you can see by its title, it is about the creative mind: MY
creative mind. I will use this space as an outlet for digging deeper into
life: past, present and future. Will it be a joyful and fun read? Some days
yes, some days no. It’s here to help me live life more fully, to nurture
courage and to explore creativity. It is here for reflection, for connection
and for hope.
A Curious Mind is my mental melting pot –
filled with all sorts of different ideas, memories and insights; the odd, the
quirky, the amusing, the fascinating and the downright sad events of my life.
For the first time in my existence, I am not afraid to share with the world.
There is no need for a Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak or wearing a Martha
Stewart mask. I am here to be me; to
feel and write about my life. Welcome to my journey.
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